Imagem de capa de Primatron


Cidade/EstadoCuritiba / PR

Uses Of Time

Composição: Primatron.
Born into the maelstrom We clutch at straws to findo some order From our first cries to our last breath Pushing away every sort of Uneasy qualms ´bout existence “What is it all for? This can’t be all!” Let’s assign meaning to our tasks So life is merely practical Take your time In the end it will be fine Well, actually, maybe not How can you tell what fate has got In store for you What do you know? What can you do? But live your life and seize the day Tomorrow never comes, that’s what they say As we age, we learn to silence Our anxieties by keeping Busy, so our minds can’t find the space To let deep-seated doubts grow When we last close our eyes Do we finally realise Chasing our own tails got us nowhere And now it’s time to go? Take your time In the end it will be fine Well, actually, maybe not How can you tell what fate has got In store for you What do you know? What can you do? But live your life and seize the day Tomorrow never comes, that’s what they say




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