Aldren Liebe

Aldren Liebe

Cidade/EstadoFlorianópolis / SC

Bleeding Tune to the Lost Souls

Composição: Felipe Broering.
I'll make you fell dead inside, When you discover all about this world Nothingness lives beside of you, don't you see? Your rebirth has begun, prey for it Trust in me, my pretty lady We'll be better there, believe me Now it's time, wake your dreams and realize them The tribute to the mankind It's living for death And taste thy blood kisses forever Your life arrive to sadness end You don't need to see everything like they do Thou feel the pain of this new beginning Take away all the muzzle of new time And walk complete with yourself Recognizing who they are And for what we fight Bring me your tears Now and forever We will pray for your dead bodies And for your angel reborn Sanity is a word created by the man (2x) Dance this Bleeding Tune to the Gods Let than know how grateful Thou are for that new life And sorrowful soul There's always one next life To try.




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